
We Offer a wide range of Automation Solution to meet our customer expectation and Industrial needs at minimal cost. Our ultimate goal is to prove ourselves as a key solution partner, which can only be accomplished through our customers' continued successes.

FactoryTalk® Metrics enables manufacturers of all types and sizes to increase production, reduce costs, and increase quality using existing equipment and labor more effectively. This is accomplished through accurate reporting of real plant-floor activity.

Most plants have a firm handle on the cost of labor and raw materials, but without mastering critical energy consumption data, a manufacturer cannot accurately account for the cost of producing each individual product. Energy Intelligence solutions help our customers get more value from their energy data! You can take your energy data and now give it context in your organizational or production models, making it more valuable, more relevant to the decisions manufacturers need to make.

  • Data logging & Reporting
  • Energy Management
  • Track & Trace
  • RFID, Barcode Solutions
  • Remote Monitoring
  • Product Genealogy
  • Machine Performance Management(OEE)
  • IT Solutions for MES